Home Improvement

Quick and Easy To Follow Tips to Transform a Rental Apartment

Redesigning an apartment for rent is not that easy. With all the rules and restrictions that come with it, most renters will probably think that it’s better not to change anything at all. They’ll just leave it as it is until their senses get used to it.

This doesn’t have to be the case for you though. Although most landlords won’t allow large scale makeover or changes on their properties, they’ll allow small updates and reversible upgrades. These tips can also be used on your rented apartment for rent in Keego Harbor.

Here are some quick and easy to do hacks than can help transform your rented apartment to something new.

Swap Cabinet Knobs

Change your cabinet knobs with something unique or you can call your own. You can use old fabrics, leather sheets or even strings as artistic alternatives for it.

Wrap Cabinet Handles In Colored Tapes

Aside from hiding its old nature, wrapping cabinet handles with colored tapes can give it a fresh and brand new look. Try it and you’ll surely love how it can effectively affect the apartment’s interior.

Remove Cabinet Doors

Remove the cabinet doors and turn them into open shelves. You can also hang fabric in replacement of these doors.

Swap Lighting Fixtures

Swap the lighting fixtures around your rented apartment. If they need upgrades, by all means do so. It won’t cost you an arm and leg to buy one or two modern lighting fixtures.

Add Statement Shade On Old Light Fixtures

If replacing the old light fixtures is not an option, you can try adding something to it to give it a brand new look. Adding some sort of statement shade into it will do.

Carpets And Rugs

Carpets and rugs can instantly transform the look and ambiance of a home. Make sure to use this hack to personalize your rented abode.

These tips can certainly give your rented apartment a fresh and brand new look. Just make sure to return everything to its original state when you are about to move out.